Hot Tub and Swim Spa Maintenance – Goodall Pools & Spas Your premier Pennsylvania pool & spa company, with locations in Camp Hill, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Carlisle, & Lancaster. Sun, 31 Mar 2024 03:50:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hot Tub and Swim Spa Maintenance – Goodall Pools & Spas 32 32 8 Easy Steps for Drain and Fill Hot Tub Maintenance Mon, 18 Mar 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Spa and hot tub maintenance can be intimidating. But it doesn’t need to be. With over sixty years of experience, Goodall Pools & Spas has mastered the art of hot tub maintenance, and we want to help you keep your hot tub or spa pristine. 

Whether you’re a proud owner of a Sundance® Spas or Viking SpasTM hot tub, routinely draining and filling will be a key part of your regular hot tub maintenance.

Hot Tub Maintenance: Testing the Waters

Before we begin our step-by-step guide to draining and filling your spa, we want to reinforce the importance of routine water testing in hot tub maintenance.

Use test strips or a digital tester to check the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels. The ideal pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6, and alkalinity should be between 100 and 150 ppm. Adjust as needed with hot tub chemicals to ensure a balanced and bacteria-free soak.

8 Easy Steps for Drain and Fill Hot Tub Maintenance

Preparation Is Key: Gather Hot Tub Maintenance Gear

To drain and fill your hot tub, you’ll need a garden hose, a submersible pump (for the speedy soakers), and your trusty hot tub chemicals. Visit one of our five Pennsylvania locations to stock up on chemicals and other supplies.

Step One: Start with a Purge to Cleanse the Plumbing

Kick things off with a spa purge, evicting any unwelcome biofilm from your hot tub’s plumbing. 

Add the purge product, let it party in the pipes for the recommended time, and watch as it works its magic. 

Step Two: Power Down

It can be very dangerous to overlook powering down your hot tub or spa. Safety first, always! Ensure your hot tub is unplugged and power-free. 

Step Three: Hose Hookup and Water Flow for Efficient Draining

Attach your garden hose to the drain valve, directing it to a suitable spot for water disposal. Remember, this is a farewell party for the old water. 

Make sure that water will be drained out conscientiously. Watch for foot traffic areas, neighbors’ property, and make sure the discarded water won’t gather near your home’s foundation. 

Step Four: Valve Victory and Water Evacuation

Open the drain valve and let the water flow (for those in a hurry, a submersible pump can make this step a breeze). Say goodbye to the old and get ready for the new.

Step Five: Shell Shine with a Thorough Hot Tub Cleaning

With the tub empty, it’s time for a shell shine. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner designed for spas to scrub away any residue. Rinse well to ensure a spotless spa.

Step Six: Seal the Deal by Closing the Drain Valve

Before you refill your nice, clean hot tub, double-check that the drain valve is closed securely. You don’t want any surprise leaks!

Step Seven: Fill Your Hot Tub with Fresh, Clean Water

Using a clean hose, fill your hot tub with fresh water. Keep an eye out for any debris or unwanted guests like leaves, twigs, acorns, and other things.

Step Eight: Hot Tub Maintenance for Perfect Water Balance

Now for the grand finale – balancing your hot tub’s water chemistry. 

Test the water and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels. Your hot tub is now primed for peak performance and pure pleasure.

Maintaining the Magic: Regular Hot Tub Care

Regular maintenance is the secret to endless enjoyment. 

Keep your hot tub’s water sparkling with routine checks and balances. And if you ever need a hand, our hot tub service team is ready to assist. We also offer regular hot tub maintenance packages for your hot tub or spa.

So there you have it, water wizards – eight easy steps to drain and fill your hot tub. With Goodall Pools & Spas by your side, you’re set for a lifetime of leisure and laughter. 

Ready to make a splash? Reach out online or visit one of our stores today and let’s talk about hot tub maintenance and how to keep your family’s backyard gathering place as perfect as it can be.

7 Amazing Benefits of Professional Hot Tub Maintenance Mon, 26 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Thorough and regular hot tub maintenance can be challenging. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we’re more than just pool and hot tub dealers. We’re the guardians of your good times and the stewards of your serenity. Since our splashdown in 1962, we’ve prided ourselves on not only crafting custom aquatic escapes but ensuring they endure as havens of happiness and health. 

Today, we’re diving into the depths of professional hot tub maintenance, illuminating the seven astounding advantages of letting experts handle the upkeep of your cherished chill zones.

Hot Tub Maintenance and Peace of Mind

Let’s start with the sanctuary of your sanity: peace of mind. 

Knowing that experienced and carefully trained specialists are stewarding your spa means one less worry in a world awash with them. Our team treats your hot tub with the tender care it deserves, ensuring it’s always ready to relax and rejuvenate you, with less than half the hassle.

Our seasoned spa specialists come equipped not just with expertise but with the exact equipment to elevate your hot tub’s health. From filters to fittings, we’ve got the gear and the gumption to keep your spa in prime condition.

7 Amazing Benefits of Professional Hot Tub Maintenance

Longevity in the Lap of Luxury

Hot tubs, those marvels of modern relaxation, are investments in your quality of life. 

Like any important investment, hot tubs require care to capitalize on their potential. Professional hot tub maintenance doesn’t just keep your hot tub running; it extends its lifespan, giving decades of delightful dips.

Crystal Clear Waters

The cornerstone of any captivating hot tub experience is the clarity and quality of the water. 

Our maintenance experts make sure your spa’s water is not just clear but healthily balanced, banishing bacteria so that every soak is safe and soothing.

Energy Efficiency Elevated

An ounce of maintenance is worth a pound of power bills. 

Professional hot tub maintenance provides regular checks and balances by our team in order to keep your tub operating at peak efficiency, preventing the power draw from boiling over. 

This means enjoying your bubbles while controlling energy expenses.

Seamless Soaks Sans Surprises

Unexpected issues can put a damper on your dip, and if they go unchecked for too long it can be expensive and inconvenient to correct them.

Professional maintenance helps catch the cunning culprits of spa troubles before they escalate. You want your hot tub time to remain a respite, not a reason for repair.

Tailored Treatments for Top-Notch Tubs

Every hot tub is a unique universe of relaxation, and our service savants understand this. 

We don’t just maintain; we mastermind a maintenance plan that matches up with your model’s specific needs, whether it’s a Sundance® Spas model, Viking Spas™ hot tub, or a Hydropool swim spa. 

7 Amazing Benefits of Professional Hot Tub Maintenance

Freeing Your Focus

Perhaps the principal perk of professional hot tub maintenance is the freedom it affords you. Freed from the fetters of filters, chemicals, and cleanings, you can focus on what truly matters — sinking into the soothing, steamy embrace of your spa, with stress slipping away into the swirling waters.

At Goodall Pools & Spas, our journey started over six decades ago, yet our dedication to delivering dreamy, durable aquatic experiences has never dampened. With five family-owned locations across Pennsylvania, a fleet of awards and accolades, and a full suite of services from custom pool crafting to hot tub heaven, we’ve become beacons of backyard bliss.

Reach out today and learn more about Goodall Pools & Spas and our hot tub maintenance packages, including our Prestige Spa and Swim Spa Maintenance program. You will be glad you dived deep into the delights of professional maintenance. Let the marvels of meticulously maintained waters keep your hot tub in tip-top shape year-round.

7 Ways a Premier Hot Tub Dealer Can Make Your Life Better Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 At Goodall Pools & Spas, we believe that a trusted and experienced hot tub dealer can go a long way toward keeping your life soaked in comfort, wrapped in relaxation, and brimming with bliss. 

As exactly that kind of hot tub dealer, the hot tub experts at Goodall Pools & Spas have dedicated ourselves to enhancing your life in ways that go beyond just a soothing soak. Here’s how.

A Hot Tub Soaked in Luxury

Goodall Pools & Spas’ Sundance® Spas hot tubs epitomize luxury. 

Featuring innovations like the SmartTub® System and patented Fluidix® Jets, you’re not just stepping into warm water — you’re immersing yourself in a healing experience. 

These hot tubs blend high-end design with cutting-edge technology, ensuring every soak soothes both body and mind.

Hot Tubs Featuring Affordable Elegance

Viking Spas™ offer affordable luxury without compromise.

Whether you’re hosting a party or seeking a personal sanctuary, American-made Viking Spas hot tubs provide unmatched value without skimping on quality. Their range ensures that luxury and elegance in your backyard don’t have to break the bank.

Beyond Hot Tubs: Swim and Stay Fit

A quality hot tub dealer will have a range of options and expert staff to guide you toward the best choice for you, your lifestyle, and your property. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we have luxury beyond hot tubs. Our Hydropool swim spas are more than just hot tubs. They’re your private fitness center. With superior ergonomic design and jet options, these spas offer a blend of leisure and fitness with full swimming capabilities for you and your family. 

This is a testament to our commitment to quality and your long-term wellness.

Expert Advice from Your Hot Tub Dealer

At our five Pennsylvania locations, our family of experts is ready to guide you. 

We are more than just a nearby hot tub dealer; we’re a reservoir of knowledge. From choosing the right model to understanding maintenance, we’re here to ensure your hot tub journey is seamless.

7 Ways a Premier Hot Tub Dealer Can Make Your Life Better

Full-Service Care and Maintenance

Being a top-rated service company, we don’t stop at sales. 

Our full-service approach covers everything from pool and spa chemicals to energy-efficient equipment upgrades. 

Our range of BioGuard® pool chemicals ensures that your hot tub stays pristine with minimal effort. We turn the often daunting task of maintenance into a simple, hassle-free routine, letting you focus on relaxation, not chores. 

With Goodall Pools & Spas, you have a partner for every step of your hot tub journey.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

In a world where energy efficiency is becoming more and more vital each day, we offer equipment upgrades that save you money and protect the environment. 

Our hot tubs feature energy-efficient features like well-insulated shells and covers, as well as energy-efficient components such as pumps, heaters, and LED lighting. Compact sizes and built-in water care capabilities also make our range of hot tubs more efficient in terms of electricity consumption. 

Friends and Family

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we believe in building community and nurturing family bonds. 

A hot tub from Goodall Pools & Spas is not just an investment in your home; it’s an investment in your family’s happiness and well-being. We take pride in creating spaces where memories are made and bonds are strengthened.

We are the premier hot tub dealer that is best prepared to help you achieve durable, energy-efficient luxury that will have a significant impact on the wellness and lifestyle of your family immediately and for many years to come.

Take a moment today to reach out to schedule your free test soak or swim. Let’s talk about hot tub options for your family, lifestyle, and property. New habits for comfort, wellness, luxury, and relaxation could be just a visit away.

Drain and Fill Your Sundance Spa: A Step-by-Step Guide Mon, 13 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Greetings, fellow spa enthusiasts! Today at Goodall Pools & Spas, we’re delving into the nitty-gritty of spa maintenance, specifically, a step-by-step guide on how to drain and fill your luxurious Sundance® Spa. 

Now, you might wonder why this drain-and-fill process deserves its own spotlight. Well, just like a soothing soak in your Sundance Spa can melt away stress, understanding the ins and outs of maintaining it can help dissolve the hassles. So, grab your favorite robe and prepare to dive into the world of spa TLC. 

Why Drain and Fill? 

Before we get to the steps, you might wonder why you need to drain and fill your Sundance Spa. 

Over time, spa water accumulates impurities that can impact your soaking experience and even damage your equipment. Regularly changing the water ensures you’re always soaking in clean, crystal-clear bliss.

Drain and Fill: The Steps

Step 1: The Gear

Before you begin to drain and fill your spa, gather all of your spa-cleaning essentials, which may include:

  • A submersible pump
  • A hose
  • A good-quality spa cleaner
  • A spare filter (recommended)
  • Your owner’s manual

Step 2: Turn It Off

Don’t skip this part — this is an important step for safety. Ensure your spa is switched off. Safety is paramount in any spa maintenance task. 

Step 3: Out with the Old

Now it’s time to get the water out. 

Attach your submersible pump to the hose and place it in the spa. Make sure the hose leads to a proper drainage area, far away from your spa or any nearby water sources. 

Turn on the pump and let it do its magic. As the water level drops, keep an eye on the pump’s progress. Once the spa is empty, give the hose a little extra time to drain completely.

Alternatively, you can use your Sundance Spa’s drain valve, but a submersible pump will work more quickly and get you back in your hot tub in less time.

Step 4: Clean It Up

When your spa is drained, it’s an excellent opportunity to give it a thorough clean. Use a spa-specific cleaner to wipe down the shell, paying attention to any water lines or residue.

Also, if your filter is due for a change, this is the best time to swap it out for a nice fresh one.

Step 5: Fill ‘Er Up, Regular

With your spa squeaky clean and sparkling, it’s time to refill it. 

Attach the hose to your water spigot and add fresh, clean water into your spa. Keep an eye on the water level as it rises, and pause to check for any airlocks in the system. Airlocks can cause issues with your spa’s pump, so it’s essential to eliminate them.

Step 6: Balance the Water

Once your spa is full, it’s time to test and balance the water. 

Refer to your owner’s manual or consult Goodall Pools & Spas to ensure you’re using the right chemicals in the correct proportions. You can even bring in a sample for free water testing. Proper water chemistry guarantees a safe and enjoyable soak.

Step 7: Restart the Spa

You’re almost back in the glory of your spa! 

Power up your Sundance Spa and allow the water to circulate for a while. This helps distribute the chemicals evenly. Check the water temperature, ensuring it’s comfortable for your next relaxing soak.

Step 8: Enjoy!

Now, all that’s left is to ease into your revitalized Sundance Spa and let the soothing jets whisk you away to relaxation heaven. How much did you miss this bliss?

Stop in and See Us!

It doesn’t have to be a chore to drain and fill your Sundance Spa. With the right tools, a little know-how, and a dash of regular TLC, you can keep your spa in pristine condition for countless relaxing moments to come. Or, contact us about our Prestige Spa Maintenance for help with all your spa care needs.

Don’t forget, if you’re ever in doubt or need a helping hand, our team at Goodall Pools & Spas is just an email or a visit away, ready to assist with all your spa needs.

Discover 5 Benefits of Professional Hot Tub Chemicals Mon, 06 Nov 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Greetings, hot tub enthusiasts! We’re here to dive deep into the world of hot tub chemicals and unveil the not-so-secret treasure of money-saving magic they bring. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we’re not just about crafting aquatic wonders, but also about keeping those wonders sparkling and enjoyable. 

So let’s look more closely at how professional hot tub chemicals can rescue your wallet while ensuring your hot tub remains the crown jewel of your dynamic backyard.

Hot Tub Chemicals and Savings

Picture this: You’re lounging in your hot tub, a serene oasis of warm waters embracing you. 

But wait, what’s that? It’s the enchanting chemistry of hot tub chemicals working behind the scenes to keep your water pristine. 

The alchemy here is real. Our array of top-quality hot tub chemicals, courtesy of BioGuard®, is specially concocted to maintain water balance, thwart the growth of pesky microorganisms, and keep your hot tub equipment humming like a happy hummingbird.

The Costly Consequences of Neglect

Now, let’s venture into the realm of reality. Neglecting your hot tub’s water chemistry is like inviting trouble to your aquatic party. 

Unbalanced water can lead to mineral buildup, corroded equipment, and murky waters that send your guests running. And guess what? Fixing these issues can bite a chunk out of your treasure chest. 

But fear not! With our professional hot tub chemicals, you’ll be the captain of a ship that sails smoothly through sweet seas of savings.

Hot Tub Chemicals Prevent Repairs

Did you know that well-maintained water chemistry can help you bid adieu to frequent repairs? 

That’s right! When your hot tub’s pH and alkalinity are balanced like a tightrope walker, your equipment breathes a sigh of relief. 

No more rust, no more clogs, no more bewildering breakdowns that make you want to throw in the towel. By investing in proper hot tub chemical care, you’re essentially giving your wallet a break from costly repairs.

Extend the Lifespan of Your Hot Tub with Hot Tub Chemicals

Here’s a hidden gem for you: Regular use of professional hot tub chemicals can actually extend the lifespan of your aquatic haven. 

Imagine your hot tub as a timeless work of art, and our chemicals as the curators preserving its splendor. By maintaining the right water chemistry, you’re preventing premature wear and tear on your hot tub’s components. 

So, while others might be shopping for a replacement, you’ll be soaking up savings and enjoying your aquatic masterpiece for years to come.

Efficiency: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Let’s talk about efficiency.

Balancing your hot tub’s water chemistry not only prevents costly mishaps but also ensures your hot tub runs like a well-oiled machine. 

Optimized equipment means efficient heating, robust jet performance, and overall energy savings. Translation? Lower utility bills. It’s like giving your hot tub a sip from the fountain of frugality.

Handing it Over to the Pros: Prestige Maintenance Services

There is another option for conscientious spa owners who want the benefits of professional hot tub chemicals but may not have the time: our Prestige Spa and Swim Spa Maintenance Services

Our skilled technicians are like hot tub whisperers, tending to your aquatic sanctuary with precision and care. 

From water analysis and treatment to meticulous equipment servicing, we’ve got your back while you unwind in your personal paradise.

So, fellow water wanderers, the next time you gaze upon your hot tub kingdom, remember that the path to savings is paved with the shimmering brilliance of professional hot tub chemicals. 

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we’re more than just aficionados of aquatic wonders. We’re your partners in preserving the enchantment of your hot tub. 

Let’s keep the waters crystal clear, the costs at bay, and the savings flowing like a waterfall. Visit us at one of our Pennsylvania showrooms or give us a shout online and continue your journey toward hot tub chemical mastery today.

How to Expertly Manage Hard Water to Keep Your Hot Tub Like New Mon, 25 Sep 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Ah, the joy of soaking in a hot tub after a long and challenging day — pure bliss! 

But wait, what’s that lurking beneath the bubbles? Could it be that abominable bliss-killer, hard water? Fear not, dear hot tub enthusiast! We, the knowledgeable folks at Goodall Pools & Spas, have the perfect solution to tackle this mineral mayhem. 

Let Goodall Pools & Spas take you on a whirlwind journey through the realms of hard water management.

Testing the Waters: A Journey of Discovery

First things first, let’s test those waters! Grab a water testing kit designed for hot tubs and discover the truth about your water’s mineral content. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be well-prepared to conquer the hard water conundrum.

Balancing Act: pH Level Perfection

Picture this: You’re floating in your hot tub, feeling on top of the world. But, alas, your pH levels are all out of whack, threatening to ruin the harmonious balance.

It’s time to bring out the pH-increasers and decreasers and restore equilibrium in your aquatic oasis. Aim for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8, and your hot tub will thank you with water as clear as a cloudless sky.

Softening the Blow: Embracing the Water Softener

We’re not here to sugarcoat the truth, my friends — hard water can be a real buzzkill. 

Introduce a water softener designed for hot tubs into the mix, and watch those mineral-induced headaches disappear. Follow the instructions on the label, and your hot tub will become a haven of softness and serenity.

Keep in mind that most hot tub water softeners attach to a garden hose and are not the same as the household water softeners you may be more familiar with.

Many hot tub manufacturers advise hot tub owners to bypass household water softeners when filling their spas because the salt used in the household softener can cause issues with spa equipment over time.

Stain and Scale Control: Your Shield of Defense

Mineral deposits can transform your hot tub into a scale-covered battleground. But BioGuard® Stain and Scale Control is here to save the day! 

This mighty elixir helps prevent scale buildup and keeps your water crystal-clear. With BioGuard by your side, you’ll have a hot tub that’s as radiant as a supernova.

A Soaking Sanctuary: Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining your hot tub is like nurturing a delicate flower — it requires love, care, and, of course, water. Equip yourself with a non-abrasive cleaner and give your tub a gentle scrub down. 

Don’t forget to pay special attention to those hard-to-reach areas like jets and filters. Regularly cleaning and replacing the filters will ensure optimal water circulation and keep your hot tub happy as a clam.

The Power of Refreshment: Drain and Refill

Think of it as a rebirth for your hot tub — a chance to start anew. Periodically draining and refilling your tub is a game-changer in the battle against hard water. 

Diluting the mineral content and refreshing the water, gives your hot tub a fresh lease on life. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines to determine how often you should perform this rejuvenating ritual.

Making Waves: Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, even the savviest of hot tub enthusiasts need a helping hand. If hard water is causing persistent headaches, don’t hesitate to consult a professional hot tub technician

Seasoned experts like the folks at Goodall Pools & Spas will provide tailored advice and recommend suitable solutions to conquer your hard water woes. Remember, my friends, you’re never alone in this aquatic adventure.

With a little know-how and the right products by your side, you can expertly manage hard water in your hot tub and transform it into a haven of aquatic bliss.

And who better to guide you through this mineral maze than Goodall Pools & Spas, your trusted partner in all things aquatic. We have been in the hot tub business for more than six decades and are trusted by our growing customer family. So, stop by one of our conveniently located stores or reach out to us online.

How to Reinvent Your Backyard for Everyday Adventures Mon, 31 Jul 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Your backyard is a space that has the potential to be so much more than just a patch of grass or a collection of outdoor furniture. Reinvent your backyard to be a place where you and your family can have everyday adventures, creating memories that will last a lifetime. With the right additions, you can turn your backyard into a space that is both fun and functional.

At Goodall Pools, we strive to create the perfect backyard for families to enjoy everyday adventures. Here is our list of the three ways you can reinvent your backyard to be the outdoor space of your dreams.

Building an Aquatic Adventure 

A swimming pool is the ultimate addition to any backyard, providing hours of entertainment for family and friends, as well as a refreshing escape from the summer heat. With stunning design options available, a pool is a perfect portal into a world of pure imagination with games like Marco Polo and more.

Whether you choose an in-ground vinyl liner pool or a fiberglass pool, you’ll be able to bring a breath of new life to your backyard, with many exciting adventures on the horizon. 

Adding a Swimsational Spa

For many reasons, you may decide that a swim spa is a better fit to reinvent your backyard for everyday adventures over a traditional swimming pool. Hydropool Swim Spas provide a space for exercise, relaxation, and fun. These spas are essentially small pools that use powerful jets to create a current, allowing you to swim in place. They are a great option for those who want the benefits of a pool, but may not have the space or budget for a full-sized pool.

Swim spas can also be used for aquatic therapy, helping to alleviate joint pain and improve overall fitness. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits your specific needs.

Reinvent Your Backyard with a Hot Tub 

Hot tubs are another great addition to any backyard, providing a space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Hot tubs create a therapeutic experience that can help relieve stress and tension, as well as provide a space for socializing and entertaining.

At Goodall Pools, we don’t just deliver a hot tub to your backyard, we bring you an unmatched spa experience that will transform your yard into a haven of relaxation, bliss, and of course adventure. 

No matter which option you choose, adding a pool, swim spa, hot tub, or all three to your backyard can help reinvent your space and create everyday adventures. These additions not only provide entertainment and relaxation but can also add value to your home.

At Goodall Pools & Spas, we offer a variety of options for backyard recreation, including pool installation, swim spa installation, and hot tub installation. Our team of experts can help you choose the right option for your specific needs, and we offer a range of financing options to make your backyard dreams a reality. So why wait? Start planning your backyard adventure today!

Renting? A Swim Spa Moves with You! Mon, 17 Apr 2023 16:00:00 +0000 If you have been trying to decide if a swim spa is the right choice for you, Goodall Pools has one more reason that could help you decide. Renting? A swim spa moves with you!

We understand the many reasons you are considering the purchase of a swim spa. First, they are a more affordable option than a swimming pool. Second, if you have a small yard, it is much easier to accommodate a swim spa in your space. Third, you can use a swim spa all year long. Fourth, a swim spa combines the best features of both a swimming pool and a hot tub.

Well, now we have one final reason that purchasing a swim spa could be a brilliant choice. If you change residences, your swim spa moves with you!

We Are a Mobile Society

There is no doubt about it, housing is becoming more expensive. In an effort to get more affordable housing, many Americans are choosing to relocate. After the pandemic, many individuals who were previously living in big cities are opting to move to less populated areas.

In particular, now that so many of us are able to work remotely at home, we are choosing to live farther away from urban areas since a commute isn’t an issue.

So if you have decided to make a swim spa a part of your life, you don’t have to worry about leaving it behind should you decide to move. As opposed to an inground pool, your swim spa moves with you.

Special Care Is Required When Your Swim Spa Moves with You

A swim spa is a very large, heavy object that takes special care to transport. If you decide to move your swim spa, it is a bit more involved than rolling it onto the back of a pickup truck. As with pianos, pool tables, and other large items, it is best to hire an experienced company to move your swim spa for you.

A professional company that is experienced in moving swim spas will use a crane to transfer it onto a flatbed truck or trailer and secure it with tie-downs, blankets, and other protective materials. As it turns out, moving swim spas is a service that Goodall Pools is able to provide, so give us a call if you would like to have more information.

How to Prepare Your Swim Spa to Move with You

Clearly, you will not be moving your swim spa with water in it. In preparation for the move, you will need to drain and clean your swim spa. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions and make sure that you dry off any remaining water in the spa.

Fortunately, with a swim spa, there is no complicated plumbing to deal with, and no disassembly required. There is one additional thing you will need to pay attention to, and that is to make sure there is an unobstructed path from the swim spa out to the street. We always do an onsite inspection prior to moving a swim spa to make sure there is a clear pathway and there are no surprises during the move. 

Have you been considering getting a swim spa? Perhaps you have held off because you are renting or know that you will be moving at some point in the future. There is no need to hesitate any longer!

Goodall Pools is your number one choice when it comes to purchasing a swim spa, and we can also professionally move it for you should you relocate. Don’t put it off any longer, start enjoying your swim spa this summer. Renting? A swim spa moves with you when you partner with Goodall Pools to do the job

How to Clean a Spa Cover Mon, 16 Jan 2023 17:00:00 +0000 With winter in full swing, your hot tub is bound to be a popular destination for everyone in your household. That being the case, remember that cleanliness is critical to your health and the hot tub’s health. And if you want to have clean water in a clean tub, you’ll need to know how to clean your spa cover. 

Why Clean Your Spa Cover?

Maintaining a clean spa cover is non-negotiable for both aesthetic and health-related reasons. On the one hand, it helps keep your hot tub looking its best by blocking debris that may otherwise fall into it. Moreover, it helps prevent the spread of bacteria and other microorganisms in the water that could compromise your health. 

The state of your spa cover has big financial implications as well. Cleaning your cover properly will make it last longer. And the longer your spa cover can perform at its best, the longer your hot tub can go without needing repairs or replacements. If, on the other hand, you let your cover go too long without proper cleaning, it’s more prone to deterioration. That can set off a chain of events that result in expensive damage control in the future. 

How Often Should You Clean Your Spa Cover?

You should aim to clean your spa cover once every month or more often if necessary. If you notice a layer of dirt, debris, or moisture (i.e., water, snow, ice) on the cover, it’s best to remove it as soon as possible. That way, you’re not only making the cover look better, but you’re relieving it from the excess weight that can lead to sagging.

If you notice a foul odor coming from your spa cover, that’s your cue to clean it — no matter how recent the last cleaning was. That odor is likely coming from mold growing on the underside of the cover, which brings us to the next crucial point.

How to Clean a Spa Cover: Top and Bottom

Remember, your cover is exposed to the elements on two sides. The underside faces a lot of evaporation and condensation from the heated water. If it goes too long without cleaning, it can become a breeding ground.

The outward-facing side is up against everything else Mother Nature can throw at it. Therefore, be sure to clean both sides of the cover when the time comes.

You can easily wipe down both sides of your spa cover using a soft cloth and a mixture that is two parts water to one part vinegar. Alternatively, you can use a specific hot tub cover cleaning/conditioning product. Be sure to get into all nooks and crannies. Take care not to scrub too hard, since that can damage the fabric. After washing, rinse off any residue with clean water and let it dry. 

Cleaning in Winter

The accumulation of snow and ice can seriously weaken your spa cover if left unaddressed. The good news is that you don’t need anything special to free your cover from winter elements. 

To remove snow and ice, use a soft-bristled brush or broom to gently sweep it off the cover’s surface. You may also want to apply some de-icing solution if necessary, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully as they vary from one product to another. 

Hot Tub Dealers in Central Pennsylvania

In conclusion, keeping your spa cover clean (on the top and bottom) is essential to your hot tub’s performance and longevity. Remember to give it a good cleaning at least several times a season or more frequently if needed. 

Where can you go for more hot tub maintenance tips or spa covers in Central Pennsylvania? Goodall Pools & Spas is your one-stop shop for Sundance® Spas, Viking Spas™, and Wellis® Spas hot tubs, accessories, and covers! Contact us or visit one of our five stores today. We’ll help you identify everything you need to keep your hot tub safe, sparkling, and soothing.

Why to Get a Swim Spa: 4 Reasons from Happy Owners Mon, 19 Dec 2022 17:00:00 +0000 Swim spas are relatively new stars in the pool and spa industry. Once upon a time, they were viewed as something only someone like Michael Phelps would own. However, recent years have shown that swim spas are one of the most versatile wellness amenities you can add to your home.

Why to Get a Swim Spa

So why would a typical homeowner purchase something once thought of only as an Olympic athlete’s companion? Several reasons. From the health benefits to the unbeatable recreation opportunities, you’re bound to see a generous return on your investment with these innovative amenities.

Below, we’ve explained four of the most popular reasons swim spa owners are glad they bought one.

1. Low-Impact Exercise

Swim spas provide a unique form of low-impact exercise that is ideal for people across a broad range of fitness levels. The programmable swim jets let you swim against currents of adjustable speeds. This, in effect, is like swimming laps in a traditional pool.

Additionally, the buoyancy of the water makes it a great environment to stretch your muscles and perform rehabilitation exercises. The resistance of the water is also good for toning your muscles and burning calories.

2. Hydrotherapy

A swim spa is unique in that it offers the best of both worlds. It gives you a space for a vigorous workout and deep relaxation.

Hot tub seats with hydrotherapy jets are strategically placed in the swim spa to provide a massage-like experience. Simply sit back and let the jets work their magic relieving muscle and joint pain. Some models include a separate tub specifically for this hydrotherapy experience.

3. Year-Long Swim Parties and Date Nights

If you’re looking for a year-round swimming experience for your backyard, a swim spa is the way to go. They offer so many of the same recreational activities as traditional pools. Distance swimming, wading, boogie boarding, or aqua aerobics, a swim spa can make it happen. They’re also smaller than traditional pools, so they take up much less space in your backyard.

One of the best things about spas in general is that they can be used even in the middle of winter. And because they’re smaller than traditional pools, they’re less expensive to heat.

A swim spa is also a wonderful place to spend a date night. The jets create a soothing environment that’s perfect for couples to sit and enjoy quality time together. Certain spa models come equipped with multi-colored LED lighting in the tub to help you enhance the mood even more. Add some aromatherapy spa products to the mix, and you’ll have the ultimate romantic experience on your hands — all in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

4. Efficient, Cost-Effective Maintenance

A common question that arises with prospective swim spa buyers is “Why not just get a pool?” For starters, a spa is usable year-round, as mentioned above. Therefore, you can enjoy a great return on your investment when you can use one each and every day of the year.

Furthermore, swim spas have a great size advantage. A standard pool can take up to 50,000 gallons of water, which is a lot to heat, circulate, and clean on a regular basis. Conversely, most swim spas only use 5,000 gallons or less. Consequently, you have reduced chemical costs (fewer chemicals are needed to treat a smaller volume of water) with a swim spa. Also, you save on your energy bills since it takes less effort to heat and circulate the water in a swim spa.

Where to Get a Swim Spa

How would you benefit from owning a swim spa? Contact us at Goodall Pools & Spas. We’ll start you on your journey to better wellness through your heated aquatic oasis. Then, visit one of our five locations in Central Pennsylvania to view our selection of premier swim spa models that are perfect for every need.
